
  • 05
    12:26 pm
  • 12:26 pm
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India treasure trove sitting in US museum is linked to smuggler in Tamil Nadu jail

77 pieces in New York’s Met traced to Subhash Kapoor; museum says ‘committed to responsible collecting of art’.

From an ivory sculpture of “Moon God Chandra” traced to 2nd-1st century BCE to an eighth-century stone sculpture of “Kamadeva, the God of Love”; from an ink-and-watercolour painting of “Mahishasura Mardini” in 1760 to another in “red ochre and wash on paper” from 1775-80 depicting “Rama and Lakshmana”.

All of them sit, catalogued, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) in New York. What is also common to each is a trail that goes all the way back to a 73-year-old man currently in custody in India.

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